Green Stocking Stuffers
Shop green and eco-friendly gifts that would make great stocking stuffers for your friends and family. This list will be updated periodically, but if you notice any errors or know of a gift that belongs on this list, e-mail Green Promise at resources@greenpromise.com. Shop responsibly!

Floral Hemp Coin Purse
Hemp round coin purse; small pocket compartment on front of coin purse; zipper closure; 6 inches in diameter.
Naked Soy Candle
Pure soy candle with essential oils amazing smells! 8oz tin. Candle containers -- both tin and glass -- are made in the U.S. Packaging and labels are printed on recycled papers using soy-based inks. Candle wicks are made with 100% cotton.
Organic Dough for kids
Organic play dough, naturally smells and looks good. Colors are naturally scented - no chemicals. Subtle shades of natural colors: Lemony Yellow, Cinnamon Brown, Peachy Peach, Vanilly White, Berry Pink, Minty Green, Purply Grape, assorted. 100% Plant Based Coloring. 80% Organic Ingredients
Staple-free stapler
Staples are history! You'll never have to run out of them again. The Staple Free Stapler cuts out tiny strips of paper and uses the strips to stitch up to 5 pieces of paper together. Environmentally friendly. Safe for kids. Comes in six colors: black, blue, green, red, chrome and orange.