Organic Christmas Tree Farms
Green Promise scoured the Web to bring you this list of organic Christmas tree farms including low-spray and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Christmas trees. Farms that are certified organic or practice organic methods but are not yet certified appear in bold. All farms listed have been contacted by Green Promise and have provided information on their farming methods.
Farms are sorted by state, then by city, then farm name. Call before heading out to check pricing and availability of organic Christmas tree stock. Most Christmas tree farms are open weekends starting the day after Thanksgiving and during the week by appointment. After the holidays, be sure your tree is properly recycled.
Currently, there are environmentally-friendly Christmas tree sources listed in 22 states. If you know of an organic or low-spray Christmas tree farm not listed here, or if you encounter any errors or omissions, please e-mail Green Promise at resource@greenpromise.com. Happy holidays!

Navonod Farms
Seminole, AL. 850/382-6104. You choose and you cut Leland Cypress Trees from 8' to 20'. Follows organic methods, but are not yet certified.
Clayton Valley Pumpkin Farm & Christmas Trees (http://www.cvpumpkinfarm.com)
Clayton, CA. 925/672-5198. Pre-cut IPM Christmas trees from Oregon and Washington. Noble Fir, Grand Fir, Douglas Fir and Fraser Fir.
Skyline Tree Farm (http://www.skylinetreefarm.com)
La Honda, CA. 408/395-0337. Cut-your-own Christmas trees. Organically grown but not certified.
Black Road Christmas Tree Farms (http://www.christmas-tree-farms.com)
Los Gatos, CA. 408/354-8472. Douglas Fir, Grand Fir, White Fir, Sierra Redwood, Scotch Pine. All trees are cultured, organically grown, and free of chemicals. Freshly made wreaths & mistletoe.
Silvertip Tree Farm (http://www.silvertiptreefarm.com)
North Fork, CA. 559/877-4901. Organically grown Silvertip Christmas trees. Family owned tree farm is working towards organic certification. Located just south of Yosemite National Forest.
Harris Tree Farm (http://www.harristreefarm.com)
Pollock Pines, CA. 530/644-2194. Choose and cut sustainably grown Christmas trees. Species include Silver Tip, White Fir, Pine, Cedar, Douglas Fir and Grand Fir. Wreaths and ornaments available.
Santa & Sons Christmas Trees (http://santasons.com)
Sherman Oaks, CA. 818/501-8637. IPM Christmas from Oregon available from tree lot or by delivery to most locations in the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles. Noble Fir, Douglas Fir, Nordmann Fir, Grand Fir. Member of Coalition of Environmentally Conscious Growers.
Colorado Front Range Christmas Tree Promotion (http://www.coloradoforestproducts.org/xmas)
Multiple Cities, CO. This is not a tree farm, but a list of forest restoration/wildlife mitigation projects that benefit from public tree thinning. Multiple locations throughout Colorado. Check site for details and permit information.
Licking Creek Trees (http://www.beyondpesticides.org/christmastrees/lickingcreektrees.pdf)
Washington, DC. 301/587-2248. Organically grown pre-cut Christmas trees including Colorado Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, Con-Color Fir, White Pine and Canaan Firs. Live trees and dig-your-own also available. Order ahead of time; trees are available in Takoma Park and the Adams Morgan Farm Market.
Ben's Fraser Fir Farm (http://www.benstreefarm.com/)
Capron, IL. 630/279-3227. Choose and harvest Fraser, Douglas and Balsam firs. All trees are organically grown. Tree wrapping, shaking & bailing, gift shop, warming barn, saws & twine provided.
Pioneer Tree Farm (http://www.pioneertreefarm.net/)
McHenry, IL. 815/385-8512. Organically grown Christmas trees. Species include Scotch Pine and Colorado Spruce. 10% of tree sales donated to the McHenry County Defenders. Tractor-drawn wagon rides to and from the pines, tree shaking and baling, hot coffee and cocoa in the warming house, and pre-cut pine boughs all included at no extra charge.
Harecrest Acres
Biddeford, ME. 207/283-8518. Cut your own IPM Christmas trees grown in Maine: Balsam, Fraser and Canaan fir. Free hot chocolate and candy.
Celebration Tree Farm (http://www.celebrationtreefarm.com/)
Durham, ME. 207/653-3319. Organic Balsam and Fraser fir trees, raised naturally for 30 years and will become certified organic in 2017. They also offer locally-made wreaths and decorations along with a local marketplace with soap and jewelry. Free Equal Exchange fair trade organic hot chocolate and coffee. During the year, they offer yoga, private training and healing retreats and workshops.
Feezers Farm (http://www.feezersfarm.com/)
Marriottsville, MD. 410/461-5654. Cut your own organic Christmas trees: Douglas fir, white pine and Colorado blue spruce.
Candy Cane Christmas Tree Farm
Oxford, MI. 248/628-8899. Environmentally-friendly farm grows all Christmas trees locally; among first to sell potted Christmas trees.
Almosta Farm
Otsego, MN. 612/290-7693. Cut your own organic Christmas trees: Colorado Blue Spruce and Black Hills Spruce. Frest cut Fraser Firs.
Mills Trees
Afton, NY. 203/809-3601. Wholesale blue and white spruce; white pine; canaan, fraser, and balsam fir trees cut and baled. No spray farm following using natural methods for pest and weed control.
Blooming Hill Organic Farm (http://www.bloominghillfarm.com/)
Blooming Grove, NY. 845/782-7310. Organic Christmas trees you choose, we cut. Family-run working organic farm. Fresh wreaths daily with wild evergreens.
Green in Vermont (http://greenvermont.blogspot.com/)
Brooklyn, NY. (Five locations: Brooklyn Heights, Church of Saint Ann and the Holy Trinity; Park Slope, beside the Park Slope Food Co-op; Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens Christ Church; Clinton Hill, Cadman Church; Windsor Terrace, Holy Name Baseball Field). Pre-cut Balsam fir, Fraser fir, and White pine Christmas trees grown organically at their mountain top farm in the beautiful Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. Also offers wreaths and pure maple syrup.
Ludgate Farms (http://www.ludgatefarms.com)
Ithaca, NY. 607/257-1765. Full selection of locally grown no-spray freshly pre-cut Christmas Trees. Varieties include Canaan Fir, Cork Bark Fir, California Red Fir, Concolor (white) Fir, Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, Grand Fir, Korean Fir, Niko Fir, Nordman Fir, Pinsapo Fir, Subalpine Fir, Turkish Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, Engellmann Spruce and others. Handmade evergreen Christmas Wreaths also available.
Biophilia Organic Farm (http://www.localharvest.org/farms/M10707)
Jamesport, NY. 631/722-2299. Certified organic Christmas tree farm with you pick/we cut trees, plus live trees in bushel baskets. Species include White Pine, White Spruce, Balsam Fir, Douglas Fir and Scots Pine.
Rogue Harbor Farm (http://www.localharvest.org/store/M6762)
Marshall, NC. 828/689-4586. NCCIA Certified Organic Fraser Fir Christmas Trees, Fraser Fir Christmas Wreaths and Greenery Products, wholesale certified organic vegetables.
Bentley's Christmas Tree Farm
Newland, NC. 828/733-0453. Family owned and operated North Carolina Fraser Fir IPM Christmas tree farm. Also sells handmade wreaths and bows.
Taylor's Greenhouse
Robbinsville, NC. 828/479-3997. Taylor's Greenhouse is selling "chemical free" wreaths, trees, and centerpieces for the holiday season.
Wayland's Nursery
West Jefferson, NC. 336/246-7729. Choose and cut low-spray Christmas Trees, wreaths, and garlands, as well as homemade ornaments and other Christmas goodies.
The Berry Patch
Calera, OK. 580/434-2395. Christmas trees: you choose and you cut or we cut. Eastern Red Cedar. Follows organic methods but not yet certified.
Victorhill Farm (http://www.victorhillfarm.com)
Beavercreek, OR (Portland area). 503/632-6244. Low-spray farm with U-Cut hand-pruned Douglas Fir, Blue Spruce, Grand Fir and Noble Fir. Tree net-baling and tree shaking included at no extra charge. Wreaths available.
Beaverton Holiday U-cut (http://holidayucut.com)
Portland, OR. 503/649-9164. Small family farm offering low-spray U-Cut Douglas Fir with some Noble Firs. Trees are hand-sheared and pesticide-free. Free apple cider for all tree-goers.
Spring Hills Farm (http://www.springhillsfarm.org/)
Dalton, PA. 570/563-1871. Certified naturally grown white, scotch, and red pine; white and blue spruce; concolor fir you cut/we cut Chritsmas trees and wreaths. Free horse wagon rides.
Freymoyer Christmas Tree Farm (http://agmap.psu.edu/Businesses/4446)
Hamburg, PA. 610/301-1829. No/low-spray with some species grown using organic methods. Choose-and-cut and pre-cut trees including Douglas, Fraser, Canaan and Concolor Fir as well as Norway and Blue Spruce. Located 4 miles west of Cabelas on Mountain Rd near Hamburg.
The Good Earth Gardening Center (http://www.goodearthorganicgardencenter.com/)
Hope, RI. 401/826-3130. Rhode Island's only organic gardening center offering seasonal Christmas trees.
Hope Christmas Trees (http://www.hopechristmastrees.com/)
Adams, TN. 615/830-0983. Follows organic methods but not certified. Pines have no herbicides, pesticides or colorants.
Elgin Christmas Tree Farm (http://pages.suddenlink.net/jrf/ectf/)
Elgin, TX. 512/281-5016. Naturally grown Virginia pines, Loblolly pines, and Leyland Cypress. Also sells pre-cut Fraiser firs and potted Leyland Cypress Trees.
Bozeman's Christmas Tree Farm
Lumberton, TX. 409/755-2706. You choose and we cut Christmas trees. Follows organic methods but not certified.
Texas Organic Nursery & Christmas Tree Farm
Mexia, TX. 254/562-6306. Virginia Pine, Leyland Cypress, Carolina Sapphire and Frasier Fir. Shaking, baling, handmade wreaths, gift shop, hayrides. Free Pine tree seedling with tree purchase.
Clover Hollow Christmas Tree Farm (http://www.swva.net/tbd/)
Newport, VA. 540/544-7192. 90-acre, organic Christmas tree farm offering sustainably grown Christmas trees including Fraser Fir, Douglas Fir, Concolor Fir, Colorado Blue Spruce, Balsam Fir and Grand Fir. Cut your own.
Misty Meadows Farm (http://www.mistymeadowsfarm.com)
Everson, WA. 360/312-3554. Small family farm raising certified organic u-cut Christmas trees.
Santa's Forest Fresh Christmas Tree Farm (http://www.freshchristmastree.com)
Evans, WV. 202/369-5695. Christmas trees are grown and harvested using environmentally sustainable responsible practices. Can't find a local environmentally-friendly farm? They have cut, boxed and mailed Christmas trees and wreaths since 1973!